Welcome to Barnyard Vereeniging

Casual and Relaxed
Restaurant & Bar
“A cozy, laid-back venue where you can enjoy delicious meals and refreshing drinks in a relaxed setting. Ideal for productive business meetings, casual luncheons, and networking over great food and drinks.”
Restaurant & Bar Specials

7 Maart 2025
Langarm Sokkie Dans
Maak gereed om die aand weg te dans! Barnyard Vereniging bring die legendariese Langarm Sokkie Dans terug – en jy wil dit nie misloop nie!
Datum: 7 Maart 2025
Tyd: Vanaf 20:00
Toegang: R30 per persoon
Vat jou dansmaat, trek jou beste skoene aan, en kom kuier saam op die dansvloer!
Classic and Timeless
“A unique theater experience where culinary delights meet captivating live performances. Guests can enjoy a full-service menu, ordering delicious food and drinks directly to their seats, creating a seamless blend of dining and entertainment.”
- Spacious Seating
- State-of-the-Art Facilities
- Memorable Shows
- In-Theater menu

Rent the Barnyard Theater for Your Next Big Event!
Venue Hire
“Looking to impress your friends or host an unforgettable event? You’ve come to the right place!
Experience cultured, amusing, and memorable entertainment at Barnyard Vereeniging—affordable prices and great value for your money!”
Hoofseun – Tollie Parton
Maak gereed vir ‘n skreeusnaakse aand saam met Tollie Parton, oftewel Wynand Kotze, Vanrhynsdorp se voormalige hoofseun en nou Suid-Afrika
Effens Anders (met Aletta Francina de Kock)
Kom skaterlag saam met Aletta in haar splinternuwe stand-up-komedie, Effens Anders! Met haar kenmerkende humor en eerlike perspektief deel sy
Prime Circle
Experience Prime Circle Live at Barnyard Theatre, Vereeniging! Mark your calendar for an unforgettable night of rock! Join us on
Radio Kalahari Orkes
Kom geniet ‘n aand van musiek wat jou reguit terugvoer na die hartklop van Suid-Afrika se ryk musikale tradisie. RKO